Coaching is about discovering you and what makes you "tick". It is about what assumptions are we making about ourselves and others, and how do we shift perspective so we grow in our careers and lives. At Suel, we help you in your discovery, you are not on your own. We are here to help in every step of the way, looking at possibilities, developing ideas and exploring situations. Coaching isn't new, its just taken a long time for large corporations to let their secret out. And that is that " Coaching Works". To be successful now is about going deeper in your mind and bringing out all of your ideas and aspirations. No matter how outrageous you may think they are, it is time for the world to discover your inner creations. Let's be transformational, as we walk through unchartered thoughts. Using our latest " Conversational Intelligence Coaching techniques ", communication will open doors, minds and unlock opportunities. So let us start your discovery, Sue is here to Co-create with you a journey of a life time.
Sue works with you to accelerate performance through deconstructing conversations and analysing and interpreting the meaning of your conversations. Words are very powerful and are filled with ideas, pictures and memories ready to to interpreted. My role is to assist you in using words to create the right interpretation that makes sense for those who are engaging in the conversation.
Accelerate Your Growth With Private Coaching.
Whether you’re working toward that next promotion, looking to start a business or wanting to make a meaningful transition, our Private Coaching membership will provide you with the ongoing support, empowerment and accountability that you need.
Double the Coaching, Double the Impact With Private Plus.
Sometimes one session simply isn’t enough! This membership includes two private sessions, providing you with all of the support, empowerment and accountability you need to achieve your powerful vision for fulfillment and success.
Truly Transform with Weekly Private Coaching.
Imagine what you could achieve if you met with a certified coach every single week? Our Private Pro sessions provides you with the intensity of support, empowerment, and accountability that you need to reach your absolute fullest potential